Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Internet Junkies, YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!

I LOVE YOUTUBE! it's a place where even the most talentless of us can become stars. It's human nature -- the dumbest or more pointless a video is, WE WANNA WATCH IT MORE! My personal favorite waste of time is the guy who played the Mario Bros. theme song with empty soda bottles and a remote control car (but you coulda picked an easier song to dance to -- believe me, I tried to). It's the same reason we all slow down to look at a car acident -- it's contagious; I even get tempted to stop completely (I did once) and get out and look, but instead I drive along text-messaging with one hand, holding a cheeseburger in the other, and steering with my knees. We can't help it! For some reason, most of us don't want to use the internet to get smarter, but to laugh at something ridiculous or cringe at someone's near-death experience. I can't remember the last educational resource I visited online, but I can remember 10 different costumes people put on the "dramatic look" gerbil (my favorite was the pirate outfit -- except I would've made the rodent do the Captain Morgan pose). Each week, I'm gonna post the top-rated videos of each "in case you missed it" week.


In about 2 months, our group will make our own Youtube video (why let "David Blaine street magic" hog the spotlight?). Like most college students, WE DON'T HAVE ANY IDEAS! So, anyone who replies to this blog please send any suggestions you can think of. And I mean ANYTHING! We plan to mash together as many ideas as we can get from everybody, and use those to make a movie. If one person says to put a fireman in it, another one says to add a bank robbery, and another says to put cats in it, then we'll have a fireman robbing a bank with a cat driving the getaway car. I HOPE TO MAKE THIS AS RIDICULOUS AS POSSIBLE, SO SEND ME THE WEIRDEST STUFF YOU GOT!


Anonymous said...

How about a dinosaur ambulance driver that wants to go to college but can't because his bird mother needs him to watch her golden eggs....

Anonymous said...

what if you did a soulja boy / franchise boys dance contest?

Anonymous said...

somebody has to get punched. it's just funny.

Anonymous said...

i would love to see Hilary clinton having an affair with obama.

Anonymous said...

How about some hilarious presentation of your class/ professor - some instance !