Thursday, April 17, 2008

I love these guys! (let's make a boy band!)

This week, I one Youtube video really stood out from the rest, just like that re-packaged return that you find at Best Buy hiding behind the new merchandise. It's called "Meet Soul and Son: Comedy Time Episode 1."


The video starts off with some boy, maybe 15 or 16 years old, coming home from school (assuming that most teenagers still carry books instead of narcotics and weapons in their backpacks) and walking in his front door. A few seconds later, his "granddaddy" surprises him and slaps him in the face. Later on, he does the same thing to the mailman.


The dad is wearing purple pajama pants, a black turtleneck shirt (even though the neck part seems a little worn out -- maybe he borrowed the shirt from one of his chubbier friends to sleep in?), and a red leather jacket. It's Shaft's worst nightmare! He also sports a cane with the outfit; maybe he uses it when he stumbles through bad jokes.

The son seems to be one of the few teens left in North America to still sport a CD player. I gues that's a lot easier to fit in his back pocket than an Ipod. i'll bet my next student loan payment that the music he's listening to in this scene is not any newer than 1993 -- anyone remember "Whoomp, There it is?"

The postal carrier is wearing a shirt that might be at least 2 sizes too big for him, but at least he could tuck it in and hide the bottom so it doesn't look like a man-gown. Judging by this alone, maybe he's more hip-hop than the dad and son, hmm? He's also peeling horribly from the sun, except for a casper-white line where his glasses would normally sit. I call new fashion trend!

This teen may be one of the few black teens out there that cannot dance. Let's all be thankful that "James" from Good Times came in and stopped it before the kid broke into a full-fledged running man capped off with a solo electric slide. Maybe this is what the dad was referring to when he said "getting rid of the funk and soul." You may be right, old man -- that non-rhythmic flailing made my soul want to reach out of my body and give me an indian bun, to distract myself from the pain.

However, I salute you, "Soul and Son" boys -- you are stars now, and I'm still not. It was a creative video I must admit, but I would've instead have the mailman wear a plain t-shirt that said "got your stuff" on it. It feels more fitting that the youngest person in the video should be the best dressed -- everyone knows that adult clothes always cost an arm and leg more than kid clothes. For episode 2: I propose a father-and-son trip to the zoo! That way, the son could be placed in a dance battle with the resident penguins -- I hear they tap-dance pretty well.

--Cousin Nick

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