Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Video update!

We have some really weird ideas so far from people who've checked out the blog. One guy said he wants to see Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama have an affair. BRILLIANT! I high-five whoever this is, even though I think Hillary would probably be the pants-wearer in the relationship if they ever ran off together. Another guy said he wants a Soulja Boy - Franchise Boys danceoff. This idea could work, but we gotta tag-team Soulja boy with somebody to make the numbers even. Paging P. Diddy! Someone else recommended a dinosaur ambulance driver. I'm scared as hell of that! T-rex's have those tiny arms that can't hold the steering wheel right, and they lack the aggressive driving skills that pterydactls (I know I spelled it wrong) have. My favorite, though, is the reader who said he's happy as long as we show somebody being punched. I think we have a winner! This is true -- doesn't matter who it is, where it's at, or how hard (even though it's funnier when it's harder), a punch always equals me laughing on my floor and trying to re-enact it with my younger brother (guess who's the victim... the answer might surprise you). Sucker punches are even more hilarious! If they don't see it coming, the fall is gonna be harder, and the laughs louder. Here's what we have mashed together based on your ideas so far:

Soulja Boy and The Franchise Boys are having a danceoff (yes, snap music is playing in the background). Soulja Boy tags in P. Diddy and he gets sucker punched by one of the Franchise's groupies that fell short in an attempted paternity suit of Diddy. He is driven to the hospital in an ambulance driven by a dinosaur, and the ambulance is cut off in traffic by Hillary Clinton speeding to erase an erotic voice message that Barack Obama has left on her machine before Bill gets home...

Good So Far, But We Need More!

Keep those weird ideas coming, no matter what they are. We're gonna post updates every week of the project, look for our youtube video previewing the movie coming soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did cousin nick write this one again?!?