Thursday, April 24, 2008



Who saw Kobe Bryant jump over the Aston Martin on youtube? I'm pretty sure I could do that! I saw that, I thought I had taken some of my uncle's special "brownies" again. Then I tried to do it myself -- my friend threw a remote control Corolla at me (yes, even toy aston Martins are expensive) and I tried to jump over it -- I landed on the back of the car, and fell backwards, hitting my head on the car on my way down. Bravo Mr. Bryant! I guess really should be getting to my local foot locker and grab me some of those, even though they do kinda make my feet look big and I'm sure they don't make the average ballplayer perform any better than Gheorge Muresean (if you don't know who he is, that just proves my point). I guess I'm a little upset that my girlfriend thinks you look way better in those shoes than I do. Anyways, check it out and lemme know what you all think. If someone wants me to try that for the movie project, I'll meet 'em halfway and jump out of a stationary soccer mom van, but I promise to make it look really dramatic!

-cousin nick
watch the video:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cousin nick rocks my socks!!