Tuesday, May 6, 2008

wackest youtube video ever!

This week's new youtube videos feature an ad for the new McDonald's southern chicken sandwich. I never thought fast food joints did chicken that well, so I'm prettty sure this new sandwich is just as bad, only added a bad texas accent. The video is about ten seconds long (and that's being generous) and shows the sandwich that I'm not sure has "meat" in it. It ain't quite white meat, but too pale to be considered red meat. At least McDonald's will get a pretty good reach into the young audience putting this on YouTube... Being a college kid myself (even though I got the mid-life crisis look when I had my goatee a month ago), I know that they're pretty lazy. We're the least likely to complain about our sandwich because we're usually stopping there on the way to class. So not only will they debut the hee-haw sandwich near you college campus, they will also put the bad trainees that will most likely drop your burger, not wash their hands, or scratch themselves in front of the register while they ask for your phone number in there to sell it to you.
I wonder what the index is for a Chicken Sandwich in the U.S. today. Think it's more than the McRib sandwich? Now that's a fast-food creation I'd stand in line several times for... If that sandwich was a woman, I'd cheat on my girlfriend with it!
At least this commercial costed their advertising department next to nothing, if it's not free already. By now, A million web junkies like myself have probably seen this ad and are waiting outside their local McDonald's counting down the hours until they open, probably breathing on the glass and writing text-message talk on the fog left on the glass. "OMG! LOL! My BFF, IDK Y I LUV the Ribwich! um... TTYL?" I am probably giving the restaurant more audience impressions than they deserve credit for. People see that if someone cared this much to write a blog about it, they gota see what that weirdo is talkin' about. Looking for marketing interns, Mickey D's? If this is all it takes, I'd write as many of these as you'd hire me for!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I happen to like that sandwich. I love things that make me wanna unbuckle my belt afterwards