Thursday, May 29, 2008

American Idol... Don't cha

So everyone knows the song, Don't cha, but if you don't know the song this is the perfect video to watch. Check it out. "Don't cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me"

American Idol

American Idol... We see some pretty funny American Idol contestants, but I think this one is probably one of the worst ever. He does this funny throat projection. You have to check out this video. One of the funniest American Idol videos ever.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


We thought of some potential new taboo words and posted a poll to vote on the most disgusting-sounding one, and made a video based on the results so far. If anyone can think of the weirdest way to use one of these words,we'll use it in the next video.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Super Karate Master

Hi guys, here is another great Video that I found on youtube. It is very creative and supper funny. It is now one of my favorite video on youtube so far, and I hope you like it too. Japanese are sure funny and smart, don't u think??. Check it out and comments me what u think :D

video link below :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

video promo #2

Check out our video promo! (see to the right)

After doing the first promo and being told that I'm somewhat of an amateur impersonator now, I'm gonna do another one. But this time, I want the website visitors to do the brainstorming for me. Whatever celebrity you guys come up with, I'll do another promo as that person. Anybody (yes, even a woman if you guys want) you come up with -- even if it's not a real celebrity -- will work for this, so this could be a good chance to make fun of somebody (maybe someone you know) and get away with it.

recommendations of my own: John Madden, Sylvester Stallone, lily and marshall sell their stuff?

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Street Fighter: The Later Years

In my oppinion, "Street Fighter: The Later Years" is the best and funniest series of video that I have found on Youtube. I know u will love the video, especially if u r a gamer. It will worth ur time. check it out :D Feel free to post comments.


Check out the video link below :D

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

wackest youtube video ever!

This week's new youtube videos feature an ad for the new McDonald's southern chicken sandwich. I never thought fast food joints did chicken that well, so I'm prettty sure this new sandwich is just as bad, only added a bad texas accent. The video is about ten seconds long (and that's being generous) and shows the sandwich that I'm not sure has "meat" in it. It ain't quite white meat, but too pale to be considered red meat. At least McDonald's will get a pretty good reach into the young audience putting this on YouTube... Being a college kid myself (even though I got the mid-life crisis look when I had my goatee a month ago), I know that they're pretty lazy. We're the least likely to complain about our sandwich because we're usually stopping there on the way to class. So not only will they debut the hee-haw sandwich near you college campus, they will also put the bad trainees that will most likely drop your burger, not wash their hands, or scratch themselves in front of the register while they ask for your phone number in there to sell it to you.
I wonder what the index is for a Chicken Sandwich in the U.S. today. Think it's more than the McRib sandwich? Now that's a fast-food creation I'd stand in line several times for... If that sandwich was a woman, I'd cheat on my girlfriend with it!
At least this commercial costed their advertising department next to nothing, if it's not free already. By now, A million web junkies like myself have probably seen this ad and are waiting outside their local McDonald's counting down the hours until they open, probably breathing on the glass and writing text-message talk on the fog left on the glass. "OMG! LOL! My BFF, IDK Y I LUV the Ribwich! um... TTYL?" I am probably giving the restaurant more audience impressions than they deserve credit for. People see that if someone cared this much to write a blog about it, they gota see what that weirdo is talkin' about. Looking for marketing interns, Mickey D's? If this is all it takes, I'd write as many of these as you'd hire me for!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are you angry ??

"Angriness makes your life lively!" by a Japanese comedian.

Were you angry at something recently?
What makes you getting angry? Why?
Sometimes the reasons are funny for other people. For example, you got angy about a very small thing.
Japanese comedian, DownTown, is sharing their experiences on a TV show.